Earlier this year, me and Naresh created an introductory level Jersey hands-on lab for JavaOne ’09. As I realized just recently, the hands-on labs had been made available for download to all SDN members (free registration) shortly after JavaOne. It may be another useful resource for you to get started with Jersey. The lab provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up your environment and then guides you through 3 exercises:
- Hello world! – leading you through your first JAX-RS/Jersey application, explaining the JAX-RS basics
- Advanced JAX-RS/Jersey Features – showing how to develop a little more complex web application using JAX-RS/Jersey features such as path parameters, multiple representations for a resource, writing your own MessageBodyReader/Writer, Jersey MVC and some more
- Using Jersey Client API – showing how to access web resources using the Client API provided by Jersey
You can download the Hands-On Lab as well as get more info here. I’ve also added this link to our Jersey Wiki. After you download the lab, just unzip the file and open index.html in restwebservice directory. The zip also contains solution directories for all three exercises. I hope the lab will be of help. Let me know in case you have any questions or feedback on it.