Posts Tagged ‘Jersey’

Jersey 1.13 Released

July 13th, 2012

Last week we released Jersey 1.13 after the long 4+ months! Since the team is now fully focusing on Kraken Jersey 2.0 and JAX-RS 2.0 development, this is mostly a bug-fixing release. Anyway, we did manage to address a number of interesting issues. As for any other Jersey 1.x release, the list of changes can be found in changes.txt file in the root of our repository.

The main changes were around JSON handling – Michal, one of our new team-mates, got rid of our custom JSON stream reader and replaced it with a Jackson-based one to make our JSON-JAXB binding more robust. He also made some fixes and improvements to Jersey integration with MOXy JAXB implementation. We received a few external code contributions – from Edouard Chevalier (fixing the interaction of GZIP encoding filter with ETags) and from Atlassian – thank you guys! Finally, I ported the proxy client to Jersey 1.x. It is available in the Jersey 1.x svn repository under experimental/proxy-client (you won’t find it mentioned in changes.txt given it is an experimental module).

Writing Web Applications That Can Run With Jersey 1.x As Well As Jersey 2.0

June 26th, 2012

Now, that early builds of Jersey 2.0 are integrated into GlassFish application server main trunk (which Jakub is still planning to blog about) more people have to deal with the reality that Jersey 2.0 is not compatible with Jersey 1.x. All the internal Jersey API’s underwent a significant refactoring in Jersey 2.0. And people started asking if there is any way of designing the web application (WAR-based) so that it can run on GlassFish 3.x (which bundles Jersey 1.x) while also being able to run with GlassFish main trunk (that now bundles Jersey 2.0 milestone builds). So, I decided to spend my last week’s “weekend coding” on creating a simple jar that one can bundle in their war to enable this. As a result, I added a new maven module under jersey/ext (in Jersey 2.0 workspace) called servlet-portability. You can build it and add it to your application as a dependency. Now, here is what it does and what it doesn’t do:

  • It provides PortableServletContainer class you can use in web.xml instead of the Jersey version-specific ServletContainer class to register a Jersey servlet.
  • It enables your application to bundle Jersey 2.x-specific code along with Jersey 1.x-specific code and helps to ensure the right code gets loaded depending on which version of the Jersey runtime is on the runtime classpath.
  • It does not provide a compatibility layer – in other words, it does not enable you to use API’s from Jersey 1.x with Jersey 2.x runtime – i.e. in your web app you have to write the Jersey version-specific code twice – one class using Jersey 1.x API’s and another one using Jersey 2.x API’s.

Example Application

Here is how you can use it. I will build a simple application with the following requirements:

  1. Use package-scanning for discovering all the resources and providers that are using pure JAX-RS API (i.e. are not using any version-specific Jersey API’s)
  2. Expose one resource that will require different implementation depending on Jersey version

Getting Jersey 2.0 Source Code and Building It

To try this out let’s first get Jersey 2.0 source code. You can do it in one of the following ways:

  • Download the sources zip file, or
  • Clone Jersey git repository on by executing the following in the terminal:
    git clone ssh://<your_java_net_userid> jersey

    , or

  • Clone Jersey git repository on by executing the following in the terminal:
    git clone git://

Now, to build the code execute the following in the source tree root:

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Creating a New Web Application Project

We will use Jersey 2.0 web application maven archetype to quickly create a skeleton of a new Jersey web application. To do that, switch to the directory where you want your project to reside and execute the following command in that directory:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=jersey-quickstart-webapp -DarchetypeGroupId=org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes -DinteractiveMode=false -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=simple-service -Dpackage=com.example -DarchetypeVersion=2.0-SNAPSHOT

You should see a new simple-service subdirectory got created that contains the project files. Now, open this project in your favorite IDE. You should see it is a simple project containing a single resource called MyResource (in com.example package) and registering Jersey servlet using web.xml descriptor.

Updating the pom.xml

Let’s update the pom.xml of the project to add a dependency on the portability module, change the scope of Jersey 2.0 servlet dependency to “provided” (so that the Jersey jars are not bundled in our war) and add Jersey 1.x servlet dependency. The resulting pom.xml should look as follows:


Adding Jersey Version-Specific Resource

Create two new sub-packages – com.example.jersey1 and com.example.jersey2. We will use these for version-specific classes. Let’s create a new resource in com.example.jersey2 package and name it InfoResource. Just for illustration, it will inject ResourceConfig class from Jersey 2 API, retrieve the value of “example.text” property and return it back to the client. Here is how the resource class looks like:

package com.example.jersey2;

import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;

public class InfoResource {
    private @Context ResourceConfig rc;
    public String get() {
        return (String) rc.getProperty("example.text");

As you can see on line 5 it uses Jersey version-specific class. Let’s clone this into com.example.jersey1 package, changing just the import statement to import ResourceConfig from Jersey 1.x package. Here is how the InfoResource in com.example.jersey1 should look like:

package com.example.jersey1;

import com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfig;

public class InfoResource {
    private @Context ResourceConfig rc;
    public String get() {
        return (String) rc.getProperty("example.text");

One important thing to note here is I haven’t annotated InfoResource using the @Path annotation. This is to make sure it does not get picked up by the package scanning (otherwise it would result in Jersey 2-specific resource being loaded when only Jersey 1.x runtime is present or vice-versa). We will use the “explicit root resources” feature from Jersey 1.x and resource builder API from Jersey 2.0 to register this unannotated resource into the Jersey runtime. We need to implement a custom ResourceConfig class for that.

Implementing ResourceConfig

Add ExampleResourceConfig class to com.example.jersey2 package and configure it to scan “com.example” package for resources and providers and map InfoResource to “info” path using the resource builder API. Here is the source code:

package com.example.jersey2;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resource;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceModelIssue;

public class ExampleResourceConfig extends ResourceConfig {
    public ExampleResourceConfig() {
        // look for resources in com.example package and its subpackages
        // create a resource builder from the InfoResource class
        // (sending in dummy issues list - we don't expect introspection issues)
        Resource.Builder rb = Resource.builder(
            new ArrayList<ResourceModelIssue>()
        // bind it to "info" path
        // add it to the resource config

Add the Jersey 1.x version of the same class into the com.example.jersey1 package. It should look as follows:

package com.example.jersey1;

import com.sun.jersey.api.core.PackagesResourceConfig;

// extend PackagesResourceConfig to get the package scanning functionality
public class ExampleResourceConfig extends PackagesResourceConfig {
    public ExampleResourceConfig() {
        // pass name of the package to be scanned
        // add InfoResource as an explicit resource bound to "info" path
        this.getExplicitRootResources().put("info", InfoResource.class);

Adding Link to InfoResource to the index.jsp

To be able to conveniently access the InfoResource, let’s add a link to the index.jsp page. Here is how the updated index.jsp looks like:

    <h2>Jersey RESTful Web Application!</h2>
    <p>Jersey resource
    <p>Visit Project Jersey website
    for more information on Jersey!

Updating web.xml – Putting It All Together

And finally we will use the PortableServletContainer to put this all together. Open web.xml and replace the use of ServletContainer with the use of PortableServletContainer. It will have two sets of init-parameters – one Jersey 1.x specific – prefixed with jersey1#, the other one Jersey 2.0 specific prefixed with jersey2#. The servlet will figure out automatically what version of Jersey runtime is present and use the right init-params subset. Btw, obviously you don’t have to add jersey1/2# prefix to the parameter name if that parameter should be present and have the same value regardless of Jersey version being used. Here is how the updated web.xml should look like:

        Jersey Web Application
            Using Jersey 1.x
            Using Jersey 2.0
        Jersey Web Application

Trying It Out

Now you can build the application and deploy the war to GlassFish 3.1.2 which bundles Jersey 1. Assuming the GlassFish is running at locahost:8080, you should be able to access the application at http://localhost:8080/simple-service/. You can see that clicking on Jersey resource works (invokes MyResource.getIt() method returning “Got it!”) and clicking on InfoResource shows “Using Jersey 1.x”.

If you deploy the same thing on the latest GlassFish 4.0 promoted build that bundles Jersey 2, you should see that after clicking on InfoResource, “Using Jersey 2.0” is displayed.


You can download a zip file with this example application at:

Another example can be seen in in Jersey 2.0 integration tests workspace:

Fork Jersey 2.x on GitHub

May 24th, 2012

While working full speed on Jersey 2.0, we are trying to be as transparent as possible. The JAX-RS itself is run in a transparent way – everybody can see the EG discussions by subscribing to or browsing the mailing list archives at With Jersey 2.0 we are trying to track everything in the public Jersey JIRA – just click on the Agile tab and switch to the current milestone to see the planned tasks and the progress we are making.

One thing we haven’t been able to open up (due to firewall restrictions) is our internal code review process. We are using Gerrit to review every commit that goes into the public repository. We have hooks set up for the internally hosted Hudson to kick in for each review request and automatically verify that the proposed commit does not break the build if approved. All works great, but unfortunately isn’t available for external checkins (all checkins have to go through the internal Gerrit Git repository and only Gerrit pushes the changes to once they are approved).

So, to make things more transparent and easier (and inviting) for potential external contributors, and people who want to keep an eye on what’s going on, I’ve been playing lately with making the Jersey 2.x sources available on GitHub as well. We’ve managed to set up a 3-way synchronization between GitHub, Gerrit and which turns the GitHub Jersey 2.x workspace mirror into the first class citizen. The recently announced BuildHive free service from CloudBees helped to supply the pull request verification, so we are now able to handle GitHub pull requests in a similar way to our internal Gerrit review requests. While we will most likely still continue using our internal set-up to do the internal code reviews (due to better performance and integration with internal tools), we are now able to handle external pull requests in a nice manner. So you are now free to follow and/or fork Jersey on GitHub and eventually submit patches as pull request. Here is the link:

Just remember, for us to be able to accept your contributions, you need to send in a signed OCA.

Proxy Client on Top of JAX-RS 2.0 Client API

May 4th, 2012

UPDATE (7/3/2012): Proxy-client module is now part of the regular workspace (instead of incubator) and get’s pushed to maven along with other Jersey modules, so no need to build it manually anymore.

Several JAX-RS 1.x implementations are providing proxy client API as one of the ways to access web services. The basic idea is you can attach the standard JAX-RS annotations to an interface, and then implement that interface by a resource class on the server side while reusing the same interface on the client side by dynamically generating an implementation of that using java.lang.reflect.Proxy calling the right low-level client API methods.

Jersey 1.x client API (and now JAX-RS 2.0 client API) leverages the fact REST (and HTTP) defines the standard set of operations, so unlike for JAX-WS type of web services, which are verb-centric, for RESTful web services the interface is uniform and thus there is no need for generating client proxies. The standard client API is static (has fixed set of operations – get, put, post, delete, …). Proxy client API may be seen as evil, as it creates tighter coupling between services and clients. However, some people do find it useful and it provides better opportunities for reusing JAX-RS concepts between services and clients, including name-bound interceptors, for example.

Few weeks back I quickly “hacked” a proxy client factory for Jersey as part of Jersey 2.0 and made some small incremental improvements since then. It is based purely on the current draft of the standard JAX-RS 2.0 client API, so should be usable with any JAX-RS 2.0 implementation, not just Jersey. Currently it lives in the “incubator” subfolder of Jersey 2.0 workspace, so if you want to give it a try, you have to check it out and build it yourself. The project includes a test that illustrates the usage, and also a simple example.

Building the Proxy-Client Project

To build it, first clone the Jersey repository, build Jersey, then switch to the proxy-client folder and build the proxy-client project. The following shell commands do that (assuming you have git and mvn installed):

git clone ssh://[] jersey
cd jersey
mvn install
cd incubator/proxy-client
mvn install

Using/Playing with the Proxy-Client

The project has just one class – WebResourceFactory. Here is how it can be used:

Let’s say you want to access a web resource available at a URI that could be represented by the following URI template:{book-id}

Let’s assume this resource can produce and consume application/json and application/xml and supports GET, PUT and DELETE operations. There is also a parent resource – which accepts GET (returns a list of books) and POST (creates a new book). Here is one example of how you can model it using the interfaces with JAX-RS annotations and then access these resources using those interfaces and WebResourceFactory class:

Interface representing the “books” resource:

public interface BooksResource {
    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    List<Book> getBooks();

    @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    Response createBook(Book book);

    BookResource getBookResource(@PathParam("bookid") String bookId);

Interface representing “books/{bookid}” subresource:

public interface BookResource {
    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    Book get();

    @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON})
    Book update(Book book);

    void delete();

Accessing it from your application:

// create a new JAX-RS 2.0 target pointing to the root of the web api
Target t = ClientFactory.newClient().target("");

// create a new client proxy for the BooksResource
BooksResource booksRsc = WebResourceFactory(BooksResource.class, t);

// get list of books
List<Book> books = booksRsc.getBooks();

// get book resource by ID
BookResource bookRsc = booksRsc.getBookResource(bookId);
// get book object
Book myBook = bookRsc.get();
// delete book

I hope you got the idea. As you can see, the proxy factory can handle path parameters and can automatically create proxies for sub-resources. It can also handle other kinds of parameters such as header parameters, query parameters, form parameters and cookie parameters.

Give it a try and let us know what you think.

Jersey 1.9.1 Released

September 16th, 2011

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been working with Pavel on finalizing and staging the bits for the hands-on-lab on OAuth, we are going to do at this year’s JavaOne. As part of that, I had to make a few more clean-ups in the Jersey OAuth client library, so we decided to make a branch for 1.9.1 and make those clean-ups along with some other small fixes there. Now, 2 weeks after 1.9, we released it. This is the release we’ll be using for JavaOne and although the release cycle was so short, it does have two nice additions worth highlighting.

  • Un-/marshalling collection types
    Until 1.9.1, JAXB un-/marshalling in Jersey worked only for Collection and List interfaces. I.e. if your resource method returned (or took as a parameter) Collection<Foo> or List<Foo> (where Foo was a JAXB bean), de-/serialization from/to XML/JSON would work, but if it returned LinkedList<Foo> or Set<Foo> or any other Collection subtype, it would not work. This is fixed in 1.9.1 and you can now return and retrieve any well-known interfaces that extend Collection (such as Set, Queue, etc.) and their implementations which have default public constructor.
  • PostReplaceFilter improvements
    PostReplaceFilter can be used to support clients which can’t send the full range of HTTP methods. It enables converting POST requests to other methods such as PUT or DELETE. If a POST request comes with a different method specified in X-HTTP-Method-Override header, the filter will replace POST in the request with that specified method. This has been in Jersey for a while, but only supported method overriding using the X-HTTP-Method-Override header. In 1.9.1 you can now use “_method” query parameter as well, and when overriding POST to GET the filter will convert all the form parameters to query parameters. Whether both header and query parameter are looked at by the filter (or only the header or only the query parameter) is configurable. Thanks to gk5885Fredy Nagy and Florian Hars for sharing their views and patches.
You can see the full list of changes in our changelog. For more info on Jersey see

Jersey and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

September 14th, 2011

About two weeks back we released Jersey 1.9. See Jakub’s blog for more info on what’s new. One thing Jakub didn’t mention is that Jersey 1.9 also includes a new server side filter for Cross Site Request Forgery prevention. I won’t go into the details on what CSRF is – please refer to the OWASP CSRF page for that. Unfortunately, the generally recommended prevention is to generate per-request or per-session tokens on the server side, which client then has to include in its subsequent requests. This is quite easy to implement and there are servlet filters for doing that, however it does require a session state to be maintained and thus is not very RESTful. I was trying to implement something that would not require a session. After some searching I found the following two papers which both suggest there is a solution which works, and is not based on sessions:

The main idea is to check the presence of a custom header (agreed-upon between the server and a client – e.g. X-CSRF or X-Requested-By) in all state-changing requests coming from the client. The value of the header does not really matter. It works, because the browser would not send custom headers unless the web page makes a request using XMLHttpRequest, which only allows requests to the same site.

So, in Jersey 1.9 we added a server-side filter which does exactly that. You can find it here: server-side

And, to make it easy to build clients, a corresponding client filter (that attaches the custom header to all potentially state-changing requests) is there as well: client-side CsrfProtectionFilter.

This can be further extended based on the feedback – we may add a check for the Referrer header and eventually even implement the session-based solution as an available configuration option. Just let us know, if you have an opinion.

Jersey Hands-On Lab

September 16th, 2009

Earlier this year, me and Naresh created an introductory level Jersey hands-on lab for JavaOne ’09. As I realized just recently, the hands-on labs had been made available for download to all SDN members (free registration) shortly after JavaOne. It may be another useful resource for you to get started with Jersey. The lab provides detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up your environment and then guides you through 3 exercises:

  1. Hello world! – leading you through your first JAX-RS/Jersey application, explaining the JAX-RS basics
  2. Advanced JAX-RS/Jersey Features – showing how to develop a little more complex web application using JAX-RS/Jersey features such as path parameters, multiple representations for a resource, writing your own MessageBodyReader/Writer, Jersey MVC and some more
  3. Using Jersey Client API – showing how to access web resources using the Client API provided by Jersey

You can download the Hands-On Lab as well as get more info here. I’ve also added this link to our Jersey Wiki. After you download the lab, just unzip the file and open index.html in restwebservice directory. The zip also contains solution directories for all three exercises. I hope the lab will be of help. Let me know in case you have any questions or feedback on it.

Using Jersey Client OAuth Support with SmugMug

August 10th, 2009

Recently I decided to use SmugMug to store my photo galleries. They have an API people can use to access the features of the site programmatically and I noticed they added OAuth in the latest version. So, I thought I would give it a try and see if I can use the OAuth Support in Jersey to authorize and authenticate my client application with SmugMug. Turned out it works! Here is how to do it:

  1. First you have to request an API Key from SmugMug. You can do it here.
  2. They probably approve these automatically – mine was approved immediately and I got the key along with a “secret” (another number used as a consumer secret key in OAuth).
  3. Now you can create a new maven project, adding jersey-client, jersey-json, oauth-signature and oauth-client as the dependencies – here is a pom file snippet:
  4. The first thing you need to do according to the OAuth spec is to get an unauthorized request token from the provider (SmugMug in this case). You will need the key and the secret you obtained in step 1. The SmugMug API provides a method for requesting these tokens – getRequestToken. Here is an example of how you can call this method using Jersey client API and the Jersey OAuth library:
    public class App {
        // base URL for the API calls
        private static final String URL_API =
        private static final String CONSUMER_SECRET = /* your API Key */;
        private static final String CONSUMER_KEY = /* your secret key */;
        public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
            // Create a Jersey client
            Client client = Client.create();
            // Create a resource to be used to make SmugMug API calls
            WebResource resource = client.resource(URL_API).
                    queryParam("method", "smugmug.auth.getRequestToken");
            // Set the OAuth parameters
            OAuthSecrets secrets = new OAuthSecrets().consumerSecret(CONSUMER_SECRET);
            OAuthParameters params = new OAuthParameters().consumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY).
            // Create the OAuth client filter
            OAuthClientFilter filter =
                    new OAuthClientFilter(client.getProviders(), params, secrets);
            // Add the filter to the resource
            // make the request and print out the result
  5. The next step in the OAuth flow is to obtain user authorization. To do this, the user needs to be redirected to the SmugMug authorization URL – (see the SmugMug Specifics section on their OAuth page), passing the request token ID as a query parameter (you need to extract that from the getRequestToken method’s response). At this URL the user will log in and grant the requested access to your application. Here is how I did it:
    public class App {
        // base URL for the API calls
        private static final String URL_API =
        // authorization URL
        private static final String URL_AUTHORIZE =
        private static final String CONSUMER_SECRET = /* your API Key */;
        private static final String CONSUMER_KEY = /* your secret key */;
        public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
            // Create a Jersey client
            Client client = Client.create();
            // Create a resource to be used to make SmugMug API calls
            WebResource resource = client.resource(URL_API).
                    queryParam("method", "smugmug.auth.getRequestToken");
            // Set the OAuth parameters
            OAuthSecrets secrets = new OAuthSecrets().consumerSecret(CONSUMER_SECRET);
            OAuthParameters params = new OAuthParameters().consumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY).
            // Create the OAuth client filter
            OAuthClientFilter filter =
                    new OAuthClientFilter(client.getProviders(), params, secrets);
            // Add the filter to the resource
            // make the request
            RequestTokenResponse response = resource.get(RequestTokenResponse.class);
            // check the status
            if (!"ok".equals(response.stat)) {
                System.out.println("getRequestToken failed with response: " +
            // open the browser at the authorization URL to let user authorize
            Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(URL_AUTHORIZE +
                    "?oauth_token=" +;

    The RequestTokenResponse class representing getRequestToken method’s response looks as follows:

    public class RequestTokenResponse {
        public String stat;
        public String method;
        public @XmlElement(name="Auth") AuthElement auth;
        public static class AuthElement {
            public @XmlElement(name="Token") TokenElement token;
            public String toString() {
                return "token=(" + (token == null ? "null" : token.toString()) + ")";
        public static class TokenElement {
            public String id;
            public @XmlElement(name="Secret") String secret;
            public String toString() {
                return "id=" + id + " secret=" + secret;
        public String toString() {
            return "stat=" + stat + " method=" + method + " auth=(" +
                    (auth == null ? "null" : auth.toString()) + ")";
  6. After the user authenticates and grants access for your application, the last step is to request an access token – that will then enable your application to make subsequent API calls. You can implement this by adding the following lines at the end of the main method from the previous bullet:
            // wait for the user to authenticate
            System.out.println("Once you authenticated with SmugMug and granted" +
                    "permissions to this app, press Enter to continue.");
            // make an API call to request the access token
            resource = client.resource(URL_API).queryParam("method",
            // use the request token id and secret to create the request
            // make the request and print out the result
  7. That’s it! Now your application can store the access token and use it to perform actions on behalf of the user.