While working full speed on Jersey 2.0, we are trying to be as transparent as possible. The JAX-RS itself is run in a transparent way – everybody can see the EG discussions by subscribing to users@jax-rs-spec.java.net or browsing the mailing list archives at http://jax-rs-spec.java.net. With Jersey 2.0 we are trying to track everything in the public Jersey JIRA – just click on the Agile tab and switch to the current milestone to see the planned tasks and the progress we are making.
One thing we haven’t been able to open up (due to firewall restrictions) is our internal code review process. We are using Gerrit to review every commit that goes into the public repository. We have hooks set up for the internally hosted Hudson to kick in for each review request and automatically verify that the proposed commit does not break the build if approved. All works great, but unfortunately isn’t available for external checkins (all checkins have to go through the internal Gerrit Git repository and only Gerrit pushes the changes to java.net once they are approved).
So, to make things more transparent and easier (and inviting) for potential external contributors, and people who want to keep an eye on what’s going on, I’ve been playing lately with making the Jersey 2.x sources available on GitHub as well. We’ve managed to set up a 3-way synchronization between GitHub, Gerrit and java.net which turns the GitHub Jersey 2.x workspace mirror into the first class citizen. The recently announced BuildHive free service from CloudBees helped to supply the pull request verification, so we are now able to handle GitHub pull requests in a similar way to our internal Gerrit review requests. While we will most likely still continue using our internal set-up to do the internal code reviews (due to better performance and integration with internal tools), we are now able to handle external pull requests in a nice manner. So you are now free to follow and/or fork Jersey on GitHub and eventually submit patches as pull request. Here is the link: http://github.com/jersey/jersey
Just remember, for us to be able to accept your contributions, you need to send in a signed OCA.
Hi Martin. Do you have more details on how you are using BuildHive? Just for the synchronization with Java.Net? Something else?
Txs! And say hi around there! – eduard/o
Hi Eduardo!
Nice the hear from you!
Short answer: we are using it for GitHub pull requests verification. For everything else we are currently using an internal Hudson server.
A bit more context:
The great thing about BuildHive is it is able to build any pull requests on GitHub (for which I could not find any public plugin for hudson or jenkins). GitHub pull requests are like our internal Gerrit requests – they can be used to review and verify the commit (or set of commits) before it gets into the trunk. Gerrit has an excellent integration with Hudson and now thanks to BuildHive we can get a similar level of integration with GitHub when it comes to verification that the commit does not break the build before it gets approved and integrated.
My idea was we would completely replace our internal review infrastructure (Gerrit and internal hudson verification) in favor of this external transparent set of tools (GitHub pull requests + BuildHive), however it turns out for internal reviews Gerrit and the internal dedicated Hudson still works better for us, since we have full control over the number of slaves and can better scale it at the moment. So the BuildHive+GitHub infrastructure is currently targeted mostly for making the external contributions to Jersey possible and easy.